Sunday, November 16, 2008

About my award & my blog

Well, the fact that I am the WINNER of the Margery C Ramsay Scholarship is finally starting to sink in. I am a bit scared! I will need to have my picture taken and talk to strangers and promote not only my work but myself. Yep scary!!
But in for a penny in for a pound...I have decided to create a blog.
A big commitment as I am only new to blogging but I think that in this time of advanced technology it is the right thing to do. People will be able to follow my research, look at my pictures and comments, link to articles and books that I have read and most importantly post comments, questions and share ideas.
The blog is not posh or formal (that just isn't me!) but it will combine a mix of my research as well as my thoughts and feelings about my progress and what I have been up to.
I apologize now in advance if I visit your library and say there were parts of it I didn't like....feel free to come and visit me and make constructive comments about my library service (there are parts of it I don't like too).
Know that I have a great love and respect for libraries. I visit them when on holiday (much to the disappointment of my non-library partner)
I will warn you now that I am not a quiet Librarian (too right my colleagues say!) I have no issue with food, drink or mobile phones in libraries, if you have signs saying "no food" I will probably comment on them! Nor am I a member of the library Police and generally feel that these days customers can police each other with regard to what is acceptable in a library.
I hope that all comments will be received as they are intended: purely my interpretation of what I see, hear and feel and definitely not a hex on any library service.
I hope you enjoy my blog....and feel free to comment!! Jo