Monday, December 20, 2010

YouTube Video - Roving Librarians

Friday, December 03, 2010

2011 Lianza Presentation

Here is a link to this year's presentation.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Carnegie Centre - Dunedin

Interesting mini tour of the old Dunedin Library by local library "celebrity" Mary Ronnie. I use celebrity loosely, no doubt she is well known and popular but as a past library manger not anything too rock & roll. She would have to be 80+
Beautiful space in terms of the architecture but totally impractical as a library.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Athenaeum Library - Dunedin

Would seem like a quirky little library if Williamstown had not just relocated into the Mechanics Institute! As it was I found it cute, although thank goodness I don't have to work there. Subscription of $69 per year, customers can borrow up to 3 items at a time, everything is totally manual (not a PC in the place) WOW!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lianza - SUNDAY AM

Oh My! up at what felt like the crack of dawn to get to the library tours at 9am. Would have been 7am in Melb (a time that means nothing to me on a Sunday!) Saw the Athenaeum Library (which is subscription based) the Carnegie Centre (which was the public library from 1908-1981) and the Public Library (toured pre-opening Ooooo exciting)

Certainly worth getting up for!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dunedin - SATURDAY

Well I made it here for Lianza again this year. I am speaking on Wednesday, which is a bit of a pain. I will be tense in anticipation all through the week. Dunedin is beautiful, it was lovely and warm when I changed in Wellington but Dunedin is misty and mysterious!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

2010 Margery C Ramsay Scholarship

Tomorrow the next winner of the MCRS will be announced, I am heading along to the presentation at the SLV. I wonder how the person feels?! If they are half as excited as I was they will be up all night. Good Luck to you ...whomever you are!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Williamstown Library Closure

Re-development of the Williamstown Library reached the point of no return today when we opened in a temporary site at the Mechanics Institute in Electra Street. This temporary service will operate over the construction of the new building, which is expected to be completed in mid 2012.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

2nd Incite Article

While I am sunning myself here at the ALIA Conference in Brisbane I was very excited to discover that I have managed to get my 2nd article into InCite for the year!
Super exciting that I could just happen upon it by flicking through the September edition at the ALIA stand but even more exciting that hopefully others will read it and consider running a Food for Fines Campaign, our 2009 Campaign was a wonderful experience for staff, customers and local Emergency Food Relief Organisations.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Winter trip for some Summer sun

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Off on holiday to the UK for 3 weeks. Intend to squeeze in a few library visits while I am there. Naturally a visit to Bath but also perhaps the new one in Swindon. Will also squeeze in some ice-creams....isn't a holiday without ice-cream!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Retail Techniques

Great little snippet on Today Tonight last night, talking to the Retail Doctor about the placement of stock and targeting of customers, what retailers do to position stock within the store for maximum attention etc. Lessons for us all!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

April InCite

My article made 19. Oh my wow how exciting!!
If you submit an article don't be discouraged they don't actually tell you, you just get a surprise when you flick through the pages!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Cool people love libraries

Good old Keith, he fits the rosters "no name double up" criteria if nothing else!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

45 years overdue!

Funny things happen in libraries :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Librarians - Series 3

KD had a phonecall from our old mates the Librarians they are about to begin production on Series 3 with filming to commence in June.

Friday, March 19, 2010

ALIA 2010

Unfortunately my abstract was not selected so I am not speaking at ALIA this year....SO disappointed :(

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Opening Day...Part Two

Part II @ 2pm...this is the really important one, the public opening.

The library opened at 2pm with over 40 people waiting in the car park for the ribbon cutting. KD & I held the ribbon while Cllr Raffoul held the scissors.

We had really positive feedback on the layout, signage and so far customers seem happy with the subject lounge concept, we will see what happens.....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Opening Day...Part One

Official Opening role "car park security"

The choir were lovely, the turn out not overwhelimg but perfect for the space and the Hon Richard Wynne made his delivery with such a positive energy that I was really engaged and if I had not assisted in dot-pointing for the speech myself I could easily have believed the words were actually his own. In addition to the info we provided he threw in a few relevant and interesting adlibs which only added to the experience.

AND apparently the catering was lovely...although I was putting bins for paper towels in the loos at the time...I guess an Operations Co-ordinator's work is never done! Obviously not as I also had to be in pics which I hate :(

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The dawn of opening day

After pulling a late one on the night before opening (I was greeted at the front door by a bleary eyed man & dog at 11pm) it is here. Opening Day fingers crossed all goes well.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Altona North 1 more sleep...

How exciting! Will we sleep tonight?!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Altona North 2 more sleeps...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Altona North 3 more sleeps...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Altona North 4 more sleeps...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Altona North 5 more sleeps...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Whoops...A first for me

For those interested in my pics of Gold Coast Libraries I apologise but the have been removed pending approval from GCCC. I apologise to my readers and to Gold Coast who feel I mis-represented myself.

I did tell them that I had a new library opening (which I do - next week) and in a more extended discussion did tell one staff member that I was completing a research study regarding layout, the introduction of self serve technology and the impact on customer service (which I am - hence this blog)

This is the first time I have been asked to remove photos in 18months but am happy to seek approval through the appropriate channels.

I would like to ensure all those libraries appearing on my blog that although I always point out both good and bad aspects of a library, it is merely to draw out thought and discussion. I have a passion for the ongoing development of public libraries and a respect for those working in the industry.

The photos contained no customers or staff, just signage, layout and furniture/shelving so I hope that I will gain approval to return them soon. Stay posted...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Destination Altona North

Altona North Community Library opening Tuesday 16th March at 2pm.

Check out the range of activites running as part of our opening celebrations...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First delivery of stock arrives

A big relief to see the first deliveries of stock arrive this week and KD has the honour of shelving the first book!

In a change from Altona Meadows stock was processed, catalogued and the records uploaded by the suppliers. On arrival items just need to be checked, activated and shelved.

Monday, February 08, 2010

New Staff

Today our new staff commenced, mindblowing!
A bit intimidating to have 9 people start on one day, and obviously a bit weird for them BUT HOW EXCITING! what a great team building experience to all be there together and go through the training process as a unit.
A bit stressful to organise but hopefully it will be of benefit to all of us in the future.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Footscray Library

At Footscray today for the Operations Network meeting, despite being just 20mins away I have never been here before.

A nice busy library, with a clear layout and good signage. An open layout up front with book stacks at the rear. Shelving was a little high at the rear not the best accessibility wise but I assume this was done to free up open space at the front, the right balance of this is often necessary for those undertaking refurbs not everyone has the luxury of a new build or additional floor space, it is about identifying creative ways to achieve that.

Really cute Children's area but I'm not sure it would allow for a large/growing group.

I loved the door to the "car manuals" section, I thought it was a fantastic way to incorporate interactive art into the library (similar to the portholes at Albury see 2009 post)

...until I realised it was actually locked (LIBRARY POLICE) I guess if you have to lock off a section this is the way to do it. Really funky!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Customer Service Training

Attended COMPLETE CLIENT CARE training today, via Council.

Nothing I didn't already know customer service wise but it was interesting to see the different interpretations of "high level customer service" in the different Council departments.

I also got some good ideas for the customer service training for our new bods.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


The interviews are complete, phew what a mission!

It always amazes me that despite the work you put into the whole recruitment process you can still end up with some total nightmares at interview. This time was no different but we've got a great bunch...a variety of experience and backgrounds which will hopefully make an friendly and approachable team of staff to support the AN Community.

During the customer service interviews we asked applicants to complete and internet/catalogue search which was a great addition to the process. It was interesting to see the difference in questioning and searching techniques.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Shortlisting Process

We managed to get most of the applications for qualified roles done before New Year, that just leaves the 360 for the customer service roles!

We are being really strict, not pulling out anything that does not directly address the selection criteria. Applications that are generic are also not making it through.

We put a lot of work into this library and we only want people who put effort into their application.