Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Personal Development

Part of the scholarship funding also allowed for some personal development. I have booked into a few sessions that will be useful for my research and for my current role.
This week I attended a coaching skills session run through Inspirational Coaching, I had met Lindsay at a networking breakfast and Margaret had come in to run our Fish! workshop for staff last year.
I like their delivery, the sessions are relaxed, with people sharing stories and ideas throughout rather than us just getting into role playing (which I totally hate)
I had a bit of a light bulb moment when Lindsay was talking about the line diagram and staff either working above the line and being responsible or working below the line and being a victim. She talked about what happens when staff come to you and get answers all the time, what do they do when you aren't around? In my case...they phone me at home! (which sometimes feels a bit out of control) Lindsay talked about asking questions rather than giving answers and that in terms of the line diagram if someone responds to a question they are taking responsibility so even a victim has to take responsible when answer a question.
I'm going to go with this and package up a mini presentation for our Team Leader meeting in a few weeks, if this works I will get some me time back and staff will be more confident to trust themselves and each other for answers. Winners all round!!