Well I have been a bit slack of late!
Truthfully I have been flat out but I really have not done enough on the scholarship front. At work we are in the process of reviewing the weekend rosters, which has been fairly hectic PLUS I had 5 days of interviews in the month of April! ICK!!
Anyway back on track I have just booked in visits to Casuarina and Brisbane Sq in early May. Visit the blog in a fortnight for pics and my thoughts on both sites.
Visitors arriving when the new library opens in 2013 will be confronted by an airy atrium filled with touch-sensitive computer screens and regularly changing exhibitions. Voluble group learning will take precedence over hushed reading rooms.
"The number of books we loan out and reference inquires we receive is sliding. We can all use Google and with discounts on Amazon, three-for-two offers in Waterstones and Tesco discounting every Harry Potter book, many of us have the means to buy books. We need to make the library more of an experience. Our role will now be less about transactions with users and more about aiding their transformation."
Alexander McCall-Smith, author of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series: "Whatever changes may occur in the way in which read about the world, libraries remain absolutely central to the life of a nation. Libraries house our knowledge and our culture; they are beacons of light in a difficult world."
Irvine Welsh, novelist: "[It's] an audacious and compelling initiative which promises to redefine and modernise the entire notion of public library services, and in the process create the greatest public information resource in Europe ... Writers will love it, and so will readers."
Doesn't this sound great!
A partnership between the American Library Association and the National Baseball Hall of Fame encouraging people of all ages to build their information literacy. Perhaps one day we could look at something like this with the AFL.
The library is closed for 2 days and I've gone mad already! Well I'm mad enough to dye my hair purple anyway!!
Couldn't I have just read a book you ask?!...well yes...but I was handed this fishy challenge by workmates and despite the fact that I am very un-girlie when it comes to hair and have not tried to colour my hair for probably 15+ years I have gone purple.
Actually I quite like it so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
At a recent SLV presentation the Manager said during his presentation that the library was "too busy to offer quality customer service after school" to be honest this mortifies me! To stand up in a room of 200 people (which may have included his own staff) and say that they do not provide quality service due to the quantity of customers is so sad.

This morning was the ceremonial sod turning (yes that is actually what they call it!) for the new library at Altona North.
In attendance the Mayor, Ministers, Councillors, Council Officers (lots of big wigs)
Notable absences??? Library staff, who didn't get an "offical" invitation (we just work here!) and somehow got the wrong time.
We did arrive in time for photos and cakes - just missed the speeches...perhaps we got it right after all!!
Had already registered an interest in Lianza 2009 but have just noticed that they are calling for speakers. Abstracts are due in mid-May so will have to start working on that in between my visits this month. Very exciting!!
The last time I presented in front of such a large crowd was when I was roped into attending a school assembly to present some summer read certificates.
I was encouraged by the fact that the 3 speakers before me covered some of the same themes so I was confident that I wasn't saying anything too outrageous that would get me into trouble.
During the first presentation Beck from Frankston accidentally knocked her glass of water all over my shoes, as we were in the front row we couldn't jump up to do anything about it so we just sat there sniggering like school girls.
After that the most I was worried about was that I would slip over in my squelchy shoes so the accident was a great ice-breaker really.
I was really enthused by some of the presentations and am now doubly excited about visiting Brisbane.