I am booking to go to the LIANZA Conference in Auckland. Tom is at a loss as to why I would want to go to NZ at such short notice and work over the Cup Weekend but I explained that with the Scholarship it is all part of the deal. He is still coming to terms with why I would want more work on my plate but it'll be fine. I am really excited about going but a bit nervous as I will know absolutely no one. http://www.lianza.org.nz/events/conference2008/
I've got my official letter so they can't change their minds now!
I told Miss Pam, I just couldn't hold it in. We decided that I should definitely message Suzi G while she was away, I waited until Monday as it was her birthday and I thought it would be an exciting surprise.
After firstly guessing that my exciting surprise was a new job or baby she was really excited too..........keeping this quiet is going to be hard
I'm really excited, just got a call from the State Library to say that I'd WON.
I'm not allowed to tell anybody "in libraries" until after the official presentation. How I am going to keep this quiet I don't know. I am SO excited, not just about what it means for me but that it will hopefully generate some excitement here at work.
I can't believe Suzi G's encouragement (nagging) to actually submit the report actually paid of, I'm dying to call her but she is on hols so I will have to hold it.