Sunday, November 15, 2009


The final stop on our Christchurch adventure was Parklands.

Parklands is a converted Church in a what a appeared to be a well off residential area. It is modern building don't think stone & steeple, and the front windows have been modified to give it a similar look to the other/newer sites.

Parklands has a consistent theme throughout, there is a lovely cafe out onto a contained garden and arriving after storytime a number of mums have spilled out into the garden for a coffee and a chat while their children play in the garden.
Less books than other sites but still quite a lot for the space (see previous posts regarding requirements for book holdings) fun and funky, small but vibrant. Well signposted and easy to navigate.

The only downside is an IT training room, not getting the usage it could be as it is closed off then there is not a session being run. If training were stacked on certain days the space could potenitially be opened up as an internet cafe (perhaps Fri-Sun)